Saturday, June 28, 2008

Do you remember your church camp days?

Macayla and Kate became good friends...

Macayla and her cousin, Josiah

Macayla, Kate, and Terra

This past week, I took our oldest daughter Macayla to church camp. It was her first time going. I wasn't sure if we would be able to work it in this summer, because our June has been pretty full. So far this summer, she had already participated in a cooking class camp and a basketball camp. She had fun with both of those, but as busy as she has been, I wanted to take her to the camp that would benefit her the camp.

I grew up in Indiana, so I had never been to camp cyokamo before. Matt printed off a map for me before I left. Getting to problem. Getting to camp cyokamo...big problem. Let's just say I made a "couple" wrong turns and had to call Matt a "couple" of times. As we were driving, Macayla says to me, "Oh great, we are lost!" I come back with, "I am NOT lost...I just don't know where I am going!" HUH? Does that even make sense? I kinda shook my head after I said that, knowing full well that when you don't know where you are going, yeah, you're kinda lost. And the more "lost" I got, the more frustrated I became as I chomped away on as many twizzlers as I could. It all turned out ok tho'...we made it just in time for supper.

I hadn't pre-registered Macayla so I had to do that first thing. I had told her that our friends Allie and Lauren would be at camp, and maybe Britain and Hannah would as well, so as we got out of the suv, that's who she was looking for. No success. I put Macayla in the line for supper with her cousin, Josiah and went on to register. I just figured she would be alright.

I got all the paperwork done and as soon as I walked into the mess hall, out of 190 or so campers, the first person I see is Macayla. I could tell she had been crying. I asked her what was wrong and she tearfully said, "I don't know what to do and I don't know where to go." She clung to me and at that moment I thought to myself, "What have I gotten her into?" And on top of that, I had to break the news to her that her friend Lauren had just left that morning to go home...she had already been to camp.

So, after hugging Macayla and telling her, "It will be okay", she came back in with me so I could eat supper. I told her that after she gets plugged into a team, she would meet other kids and make friends. The more we talked, the better she seemed. And I knew that would happen for her. Macayla is very outgoing and has a great personality, and is not shy about meeting new people. It wasn't very long at all before she met some friends. In fact, she ended up enjoying camp so much that she didn't want to leave and she told me she wants to go back next year.

Do you remember your church camp days? I went some as a kid, but I went as a sponsor as a college student more than I did as a camper. And I loved it! There was just something about it. That's why I was so excited to be able to share this first time camp experience with my daughter. I think it is something she will remember for a very long time.

We both kinda felt "lost" at first. And I may not have a great sense of direction on the road sometimes, but I'm sure glad to know "where I am going".

P.S. Allie and Regina, I was bummed that your kids weren't there! :(


lindsey said...

i love church camp as well-and growing up i don't have many memories but being a camp sponsor is where some of my best memories came from! i also must confess that i got lost the first time i drove to camp: so lost that i ended up infront of a "dump" with signs posted that video surveillance cameras were watching me.

yes, alisa was there the sunday you visited-she was probably sitting on the same side as you guys in the first row-tall and slender. she's an amazing person at just 12 years-old.

andy and i are getting married october 25, 2008

i hope that you guys have a great weekend!! thanks for all the wonderful posts!


lindsey said...

hey jenn-

i know that summer is a busy time but if you get a chance could you e-mail me your mailing address.

my e-mail is



Vickie said...

Church camp was my salvation in the summer!! I pratically went every week that I was allowed to go or work! My kids are quite as excited about it as I was but they like it.

Jenn said...

vickie, is camp where you learned to play your guitar?

Vickie said...

No, actually my grandpa taught me to play guitar and I taught myself quite a bit too. Although I did play it a lot at camp

In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...