Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"But the fruit of the Spirit is...GENTLENESS"

We have come to the 8th fruit of the Spirit, which is Gentleness. My guest writer for this one is my college friend Rebecca Kershner. Before I transferred to Ozark Christian College, I was a student at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. (We Hoosiers like to refer to Bloomington as "B-town"...it just sounds cool, doesn't it?)

I had the opportunity to live in the Christian Campus House with some other great Christian girls. We also had a weekly Bible study/fellowship time and Rebecca became involved with that. We began to get to know each other through this. I wanted to include Rebecca in this blog because she is the wife of a campus minister now. She also is very involved and works with the college girls there in that ministry.

If I had to sum up Rebecca in 3 words or phrases, it would be this:
1) FUN!!!
2) Contagious Laugh
3) Genuine

Though I'm pretty sure Rebecca could make absolutely anyone laugh (yes, including her husband Bill :)...I also know how big of a heart she has not only for her family, but for people. She is genuine and sincere to those she meets and interacts with, and her great outgoing personality just shines through. And she has FUN doing all of that! Sometimes, at least in my experience anyway, the life of full time vocational ministry isn't always fun. It doesn't always make you laugh. And we are good at saying "I'm fine", faking our way through life's troubles and not being genuine ourselves. Being two crazy college kids at one time, I had things I struggled with in college and Rebecca did too. We shared stories, trials, worries, but also laughed a ton together! There's too many to count! (Rebecca, remember how many Nike socks I brought on that mission trip that one time? I still have that picture! I've changed since then too though...I'm all about Adidas now! :)

Ok, back to our audience. Rebecca and I had the privilege of getting to know another friend of ours Jeanne. She is also a lively girl who loved to have fun and laugh. But she also was searching for something more...and that was Jesus. With God's help and leading through our friendship with her, Jeanne got to know Jesus and accepted Him through baptism. I still think of that to this day. True Christian friendships...there's really nothing better.

My family still lives in Indiana and our entire family had the chance to go to an I.U. football game last September to watch my dad be honored during halftime. I was thrilled to see Bill and Rebecca there, sitting in their high dollar seats. (Just jokin' Reba! :) We tried to talk, but security wouldn't allow for it. (Yet another funny memory). We (Rebecca, another friend of ours from C.S.F. Amy, and I) had to take the conversation outside! :) It was great seeing her and catching up and hearing the stories about my old stompin' grounds at I.U. and the campus house.

Commercial time: If anyone reading this knows of anyone wanting to attend I.U. and live in an awesome environment surrounded by other believers and encouragers, check this out: www.iucsf.com. (Indiana University Christian Student Fellowship)

Rebecca, thanks for your willingness to share your heart. I appreciate your friendship, your laughter, and your genuine caring heart. Keep up the good work there, and God bless your family!

Name: Rebecca Kershner
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
Married to: Bill Kershner
Family: 2 kiddos...a son, Charlie age 6 and a daughter, Emma age 4
Current Living: Bloomington, IN
Hobbies: Playing outside!

Some thoughts on gentleness from Rebecca...

"Gentleness: acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered.

I just finished unpacking the last few boxes from our first move with 2 kids. We moved across town last weekend and are finally settled in our new home after months of packing and unpacking. I share this with you because the last word to describe how I have behaved in those last few months is anything but GENTLE. Oh how God is always teaching us and shaping us—even during those times in life when it’s just inconvenient like….let’s say……with two small kids….in the middle of the summer….when you’re trying to pack up your life and move across town.

When I think of the word gentleness the scripture that pops into my head is the scripture from Matthew 11:29

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

I have always loved this verse. I always picture working alongside Jesus. I imagine him being my work partner. What a great co-worker. I picture Jesus so chill to work with. So easy going. Enjoying every minute of my time with him. Ever had one of your best friends work with you and the time flies because you work so well together and have so much fun it doesn’t feel like work? You just enjoy it. Oh to be gentle and even-tempered like Jesus in the midst of packing a house!

Can you imagine the opposite? I’m sure you have worked with people who are not gentle and humble. I know I have and it definitely makes for an unpleasant work experience. In fact, if I’m completely honest, I know I have been the opposite of gentle: hard, unkind, aggressive, offensive, strong, sharp. Why in those stressful, overwhelming moments do I not take on his yolk?

I am so grateful for the example we have in Jesus. I love that he offers us the opportunity to come alongside him and learn. And when we do we receive the greatest gift that comes from gentleness...“rest for our souls.” I don’t know about you, but I could use some rest for my soul after unpacking a few hundred boxes!!!"

In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...