Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rachel Cheyenne

Today, March 11th, is our youngest daughter's 7th birthday...I can't believe our "baby" is that old already! I still remember that day very well. Needless to say, it was a rather rough start with this one!

My doctor was keeping a close eye on her weight, hoping that she would be smaller than Macayla and that I would be able to have a natural birth this time...which I was able to! The doctor had planned on inducing me a couple of weeks before her actual due date, but a couple of days before I was to go in, I was getting nervous because I hadn't been feeling any movement anymore. And I had a throat infection, so I hadn't been feeling well anyway. It was a Sunday night and I decided to let my doctor know that movement was minimal and asked what we needed to do. He decided to go ahead and admit me in the hospital to see what was going on. Turns out, I was dehydrated from being sick, so after getting fluids in me, Rachel was back to her normal kicking! I went ahead and spent that night and planned on having a baby that next day.

Rachel was born on that Monday afternoon at 3:25...(without an epidural just so you know! :) She was determined to enter this world at her pace, which doesn't surprise me then that she started walking at 9 months and hasn't slowed down yet!) She weighed in at 6 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. She had dark hair, not anywhere close to what her sister had, but Rachel ended up losing most of her hair anyway and it came back in blonde. Blonde hair and blue eyes...just like her daddy.

As I mentioned before, it was a rough start. Rachel cried...A LOT! (That's an understatement!) Matt and I were functioning (barely) on very little sleep. I think what made things worse is that she didn't want to go to anyone else besides me and Matt. So we were just exhausted! She struggled with reflux and was a very light sleeper. She ran a fever everyday for the first 9 months. We took her to doctors and specialists, had tests run, only to find nothing. Thankfully, the low grade fevers stopped. On top of that though, she also had a plugged tear duct, so she ended up having to have two eye surgeries (on the same eye) to correct it. This all took place when she was a baby. We wondered if things would ever be normal, or if she would ever feel good, or if it would get easier. Fast forward...

Things DID get better. Matt and I have been so blessed to have this little girl in our lives! Yes, even through the frustrations of her constant crying as a baby, seeing her go through pain, and the many sleepless nights. Rachel has turned into an extremely sweet natured little girl, who has a big heart, and has taken after her dad in that she is our "quieter" child. I never would have thought that after hearing her vocals! :)

Happy 7th birthday, Rachel! We thank God that He put you into our family. Everytime I look at you, I am amazed at how pretty you are...I love your sandy blonde hair, your sparkly blue eyes, your cute dimple, and the splash of freckles across your face. We love you and are proud of you...
Mommy and Daddy

(The pics above are Rachel at age 1 and now. Every year, I take my girls' b-day pics...but right now, it's too cold and the colors aren't pretty outside, so I will be taking Rach's pics in Colorado this summer. I will post some then!)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

All About Jeff...

Hey big bro...Happy Birthday! Thank you for loving our family...we are blessed to have you as our brother, bro-in-law and uncle! Love ya!


Rockin' Out To "Happy Birthday"

Preacher Matt

"That's Nice, Get Out"

Watch It!!!

In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...