Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Meet Matt BETTER half!

This is my man. I made him go out into our backyard and take this picture by our pretty flowers. Needless to say, he felt like a dork doing it. I kept reminding him that none of our neighbors were even home.....well, I don't think so anyway.

How often do you brag about your spouse? You may throw a compliment to him/her every now and then just to keep the "love bank" full, but is praising your spouse part of your every day? Most of you would sadly say, "no". Don't worry, I am right there with you. It's not that I don't think about it...I just have "other" things to do.

Matt knows that I love him. We tell each other that every single day. And he knows that I am thankful for him. I admit though, I don't always show it by my words and actions. I'm sure you all can think of those tougher times in your marriage. Everyone has them. But our good days far outweigh the bad. I am blessed to have him in my life...and I know he's blessed to have me. I know this because he tells me...and not just on our anniversary.

So Matt, this is for you. I wanted to take the time to brag on you a bit. And for those who want to read on, you just go right ahead.

Hey Matt,

It's me. You know there are many things that I have been proud of you for over the last 13 1/2 years we have known each other. We have had a lot of moments together for sure. But I wanted to highlight 3 that I am most proud of.

First of all, everyone that really knows you has seen how hard of a worker you are. It's not too often that you leave any job unfinished. Sure, things come up where you have to put things off a bit because of something more important, but those things that truly need done, you are right there. You show that example not only in our church, but here at home as well. There is not anything that you would ask someone else to do that you wouldn't be willing to do yourself...within reason. Your work ethic amazes me at times. You take on more than one person should have to at times. I know that is just who you are though and how God wired you. I am thankful for it.

Secondly, you are an awesome dad to our girls and a kind, loving husband to me. God could not have given me a better dad for our daughters. It's obvious that they adore and admire you. I think you do a great job in balancing your work with time with our family. And we know that's not always easy being in full-time ministry. No matter how tired you may be at the end of your work day, you still take the time out of every day to play with our girls. Thank you for being a "family man". You have told me time and time again over the years that you would rather be here with us than doing anything else. I am thankful for that and I don't take that for granted. You don't let a day go by without saying that you love me. There's not a day that goes by without you kissing me goodbye and wrapping your arms around me. You also show appreciation for me in the things that I do. Again, I try not to take this for granted because I know not everyone is as lucky as I am. I love our family and appreciate the love and commitment that you show to us. Thanks Matt.

Lastly, I love your integrity and your attitude that is so much like Jesus. I always knew this about you, but this has definitely become more evident within this last year. Needless to say, this past year hasn't been easy on our family. There have been a lot of hurts, some that we are still trying to heal from. The amount of stress that has been put on your shoulders has been more than I would have wanted you to bear alone. You have had many personal attacks come upon you and yet, your attitude remains like Jesus. Matt, you have no doubt lived out the verse in Philippians 1:27 which says, "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." You have a calmness about you that I admire. Your integrity in this whole situation has been one that I want to always emulate. You continue to do what is right, even when others aren't. You are the same person...all the time. When hard times have come, you get yourself through it by prayer. Instead of taking matters into your own hands, you take them to God. I admit...that's hard for me to do. But because of your example to me, I know that's the right way to go. So Matt, even though this has been (and somehow continues to be) one of the hardest years that we have had to endure, I know that we are a team. And God will get us through it. Needless to say, I don't enjoy these trials...who does, right?! But if I'm going to go through them, there's no one I'd rather have by my side than you.

You make me a better person. Thanks for letting me brag on you a bit. I know how much you don't really like attention. But I'm giving it to you anyway. I love you...

4-ever you and me...


P.S. To show my appreciation to you, I would love to be able to buy you a 4-wheeler or a canoe or is tight today though. So you'll have to settle on my love and commitment to you instead. Maybe someday we can purchase one of those!!!

1 comment:

Matt B said...


Thank you so much. Words cannot convey how special you make me feel. I love you.

In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...