Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I.U. vs. K.U. Tennis Match...
Coach Loring, me, Rachel, Matt, Macayla and Ramiro

My beautiful Big Ten rings...
check out the diamonds!

While I was in college at Indiana University, I had the opportunity to be a student manager/assistant for the womens tennis team. I did this for 2 years and it was absolutely incredible! Not only did I learn more about tennis, which has come in handy now that I am a tennis coach for a girls high school team, but I also learned so many people skills and life lessons.

One thing that I do not talk about much with anyone is the fact that I am an official owner of two Big Ten rings...they even have my name on them. Of course my husband and my family back in Indiana know that I have them, but it's just not something that I talk about with people. Obviously, this is an area of conversation that just doesn't come up. Honestly, I would love to be able to "brag" just a little bit about it, but I don't. It's just something that I keep to myself. And people wouldn't know I have them, because I don't wear them very often. I have two daughters and two rings...they will get that "treasure" someday.

What are your "treasures"?? I have many...that is, if we are talking things here. Allow me to mention just a few. I love my camera, the pictures that I have taken with a meaning behind every one. I have an "encouragement envelope" where I keep notes and cards that different people have sent to me over the years. I treasure those. I love my tennis rings. No, I didn't play for the college team, but I was there every single day for 4 semesters helping out with the team. The coaches and players became my friends. To this day, I still keep in contact with Ramiro and Coach Loring. In fact, a year ago in January, my family went to Lawrence to watch I.U. take on K.U. There we sat, in the 1st Serve Tennis Complex in Lawrence, KS with our I.U. Tennis gear on!!! It was quite a sight!!! By the way, for those of you that care...I.U. won!!!

But as much as I LOVE that stuff, I know that my treasures need to be elsewhere. There's no doubt about it, I really do treasure these things I mentioned. And that's okay. We all have certain accomplishments and things that mean a lot to us. God gives us those opportunities and we need to thank Him for that. It's when these "things" get in the way of our relationship with God that is not okay.

I hate to admit it, but there are days that I'd rather be taking pictures or hitting the tennis ball around instead of reading my bible and praying. Those treasures are just more fun to me and it's less pressure. I am not a reader. Don't ever give a book to me while I am laying down...I just can't do it. But I know that my things that I love is just that...things. On any given day, someone could break into my house and steal my "treasures". I would be upset, but I would still have my real faith and my family.

In The Message, Matthew 6:21 is translated this way..."The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being." How about you? Where are your treasures? I want to store mine up in Heaven. I want my heart be there. I admit, I struggle with that at times. Let's do inventory this week and make sure that what we are storing up can't ever be taken away by anyone. After all, God will protect the real treasure. That's the treasure that will last...

1 comment:

Heather said...

i didn't know you had to big 10 rings!

In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...