Sunday, August 29, 2010

Josh Wilson - Savior, Please

My awesome cousin Jonathan introduced this song to me. It is called "Savior, Please" by Josh Wilson. I had never heard it before. He came up for a few weeks to lead worship at our church and sang this song. I fell in love with it! I want you to take a listen to it. This song describes how I have felt many times in my journey with Jesus. Though I try, I know that "I can't do this alone". There's been many times I've tried to be "tough" in front of others, despite the struggles I may be dealing with or the heartache I may be feeling inside. Thank you to those who I can be "weak" with or truly myself with...I appreciate your consistent friendship and support. So take a listen...I hope this song encourages you as much as it has me, and helps you depend on God just a little bit more. Thank you, God, for saving me through your Son.

Oh, and by the way Jonathan...I think you sing this better than Josh! FOR REAL J-DIZZLE!!! :)

1 comment:

Pat said...

Wow, what a beautiful song (I had never heard it either). I'm right there with you - some days I just have to hide my true feelings (and give them only to Jesus). Ultimately, He is the only one who can fix anything anyway...GO TO THE SOURCE!!!! Love you always, Mom

In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...