Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 4, 2007

For me, it was:

Date: August 31, 1981
What: Gave my heart and my life to Jesus Christ
Where: First Christian Church in Brazil, Indiana
Who: Glen Liston was the minister and friend that baptized me

I still remember that day. It was a great day! Now as a parent myself, I know just how proud my parents were of me, making the most important decision to accept Jesus on my own, to realize that I'm a sinner in need of His forgiveness, and to do my best to live my life so that it's pleasing to God.

Two years ago today, our oldest daughter Macayla, made that important decision herself. Of course, once she started asking more questions about it, we talked to her for a couple of months. She understood what it meant and she was ready. There were 2 questions that Macayla had to answer, by herself and in her own words, and give to Matt and me prior to this day.
This was the first one... "Reasons why I want to be baptized and know that I am ready":
(Macayla's words, age 7...spelling unchanged.)
"I want to go to heven with you. be cuss heven is ware Jesus is and I want to see Jesus. Sins ar bad and I do not like to do sins be cuss thae ar bad thangs to do."
2nd question... "What Jesus did for me":
(Again, her words)
"he dide on the cross for me so that some day I cood go to heven."

I was excited for 2 main reasons that day: 1) The obvious...Macayla's decision to follow Jesus and to be baptized; and 2) Her daddy got the privilege of baptizing her. Talk about an emotional day...but all in a good way! 33 miles sings a song called, "Stand Amazed". Here's the chorus of their song...
"When all the lights go down and the world is quiet/No one is around/I wanna be the same man that'll serve you then/Like I serve you now/That my convictions never change/Oh let my need for you remain/As real as the moment I was saved/So I will always stand amazed."

The part that really sticks out for me is this... "Oh let my need for you remain, as real as the moment I was saved". That really should be our daily prayer. If you have been baptized into Jesus Christ, think back to that day. Naturally, it's a very emotional and moving day. But it's so much more than that. Following Jesus, putting your whole trust in Him, is a choice...not just an emotion whether you "feel" like it or not. A choice. It's up to us to stay committed to that...every single day. I have August 31, 1981 to look back on, Macayla has February 4th, 2007 as her most important day.

"May my need for You still remain, God, just as real as that moment that I was saved. Amen."

Notice the tear on Matt's face...

"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:38

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In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...