Monday, September 15, 2008

her first blog...

So this morning, one of my friends (let's call her "Jennie") and I were emailing back and forth. Some things that were talked about are pretty important...some were pretty ridiculous. We got to talking about laundry. I mentioned that I gotta go do laundry. She then gave me a simple suggestion as to how I can get out of that. Here it is..."just don't dry it". You see, my friend "Jennie" just doesn't put the clothes in the dryer...her theory is if you don't dry it, you don't have to get it out of the dryer to actually fold it and put it away. Huh...not a bad idea. (Of course, we all see so many problems with "Jennie's" theory. Shhh, we won't tell her tho'!) I told her that would be a good thing to blog about and that she should start one...after all, my friend "Jennie" is married with 4 kids...yes, 4 (boys in grades 4th and 1st, age 4 and a daughter almost 15 months old) if she doesn't ever have anything to write about, somethin's seriously wrong, right? Right! She then emailed me her first blog...I decided to share with you all...and she doesn't know it yet! (Good thing our friendship is a secure one! :) Enjoy...I think the girl's got talent...let me know what you think!

Jennie's BLOG...
"Today I woke up earlier than I wanted...threw on some clothes that didn't match...but who really cares? Put the hair in a ponytail...told the 3 kids who HAVE to get up to get up while ignoring the one who DOESN'T and is up!...walked downstairs, dug around on the couch and floor for some sort of matching socks...because let's face it...I don't fold them either! :) Went back upstairs, pulled off blankets of the 3 who STILL were not out of bed! Changed the one who was and tried to find something not from the tanktop is a little chilly...HOLLORED at the 3 not out of bed to GET OUT OF BED...made two pb & j's and told the 3 to get dressed, make your lunch, and get in the car..drove ALL over town...back and forth to 3 different locations...thinking yep they are blessings and I DO love them...and why does the person in front of me NOT understand I AM in a HURRY! and I can't WAIT to get them all delivered so I can go home and do

So friends, what do you think? Comment here and let me know if my friend "Jennie" should become a blogger buddy.

P.S. I'm wonderin' why she made the two pb & j's if she then told her 3 older kids to make their own lunch...did you catch that too? :) Also, I wonder if the kids' socks were wet when they put them on?!?!


Jennie said...

Would YOU let a 9 & 7 year old play with pb&j, and a knife...I don't think so! I'm still trying to scrape the "stuff" off the table that they were suppose to eat last night! :) BTW...Socks were dry, the fan had been blowin' on em all night! Lots of Love...your friend...let's call her "Jennie"!

Jennie said...

Would YOU let a 9 & 7 year old play with pb&j and a knife...I don't think so! I'm still trying to scrape the "stuff" off the table that they were suppose to eat last night! :) Socks were dry...the fan had been blowin' on em! Lots of Love...your friend...let's call her "Jennie"!

Jennie said...

Would YOU let a 9 & 7 year old play with pb&j and a knife...I don't think so! I'm still trying to scrape the "stuff" off the table that they were suppose to eat last night! :) Socks were dry...the fan had been blowin' on em! Lots of Love...your friend...let's call her "Jennie"!

Jenn said...

so the girl may have some blogging talent, but apparently, she doesn't know how to stop after she leaves one comment...she wants to leave 3 of the same! ("jennie", you need to work on that part!:) and yes, i published all 3 on purpose...

Corey said...

This is from Cor...I mean "audry."
I wonder why the writter of the blog I logged on to read give another blogger (catch the plug!) the same name as her own!!!! Can you say VANITY!
What I think is that "jennie" was trying to pad the comment number for those who weren't sure whether they should leave one or not then they saw 4 and were like, this girl (or is it a guy) must be really great!
So, get to bloggin jennie...and Jenn and see you when I find my own socks!

In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...