Sunday, December 16, 2007

"As White As Snow"

Freshly fallen snow...what a beautiful sight! I love watching it come down and seeing nothing but white cover our yard. It doesn't stay that way for long, though. Soon there are footprints, snow angels and attempts at making snowmen.

And days after, this color of "white" soon becomes a "dirty white"...not such a beautiful sight to look at now. This reminds me of sin. I know, this is not a new thought. I'm not creative in this. We all know that dirty things enter our hearts and minds that take away that beautiful color of white. Thank God for His gift of forgiveness! But it's our choice you know. We can choose white (or purity), or we can choose dirty white (or sin). At times, this dirty white color turns to brown or black. Let us not allow our hearts to get to that point.

As the new year approaches, let's focus on keeping our hearts "as white as snow"!

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." Isaiah 1:18

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"The Importance Of A Name"

The following was the conversation between Matt and our girls on the way to school this morning:

Rachel: "Daddy, is your middle name Cheyenne?"
Matt: "No, it's David."
Rachel: "But Mommy and Macayla have the same middle name."

This isn't the first time this has crossed Rachel's mind. She just doesn't get the concept as to why Macayla and I share the same middle name of "Dawn". I think she feels left out. The only thing that makes her feel better when we talk about this is the fact that both Matt and Rach were born in the same hospital. I was born in Indiana and Macayla was born in Illinois. Rachel was born in Matt's home state of Kansas. So they share that bond. This makes her feel better only for a short time, then it's back to not understanding why Matt's middle name can't just be "Cheyenne".

A name is really important. Parents-to-be take plenty of time discussing names back and forth before choosing just the right one for their little pink or blue bundle. Before having kids myself, I was told by other moms to yell the first and middle name together (as if your kids are in trouble) to see how that flows together. I admit, I tried it. "Macayla Dawn" and "Rachel Cheyenne" had a certain flow about it. I wish Rachel would understand that 'Matthew Cheyenne' just doesn't sound right!!! I'm sure glad his parents went with the middle name of David instead!

When I was nine years old, I accepted Jesus as my Lord, my Savior, my Forgiver and my Leader. That day, I took on a new name...the name "Christian". I was now a Christ-follower. A name is really important. At the time, I may not have fully understood the concept of not ever wanting to damage that new name. I understand it better now. Because I've committed my life to wearing that name, the name Christian, then I better represent that name as best I can. Whatever I say and whatever I do is a true reflection, a representation, of my name and of Christ's name. How I fail at that miserably at times! A name is really important.

On December 19, 1997 (yes, you can all wish us a happy 10 year anniversary), I changed my name from Jennifer Dawn Stuckey to Jennifer Dawn Bycroft. Growing up, especially after I gained more knowledge about who Jesus was and is, I didn't want to do anything to damage the Stuckey name. Notice I said I didn't want to do doesn't mean I didn't. Needless to say, I got spanked a lot. Thanks mom and dad. I mean that...hopefully my girls will see the reason for this someday too! In the same way, when I got married and took on my new name of Bycroft, I was committing to do my best in not hurting that name either. Not only would that affect me, but it would also affect my husband and our future children. A name is really important.

There is no other name that we would want for our daughters then what names they have been given. Those names are perfect for just fits. Our girls were born into the Bycroft family. They will wear that name for a while. Thank God we are a part of God's family too. We can wear that name for eternity. This past February, our oldest Macayla, was baptized into Christ and now wears that name. We pray that someday Rachel will make that same decision on her own. The name we are given when we are baptized is way more important than the names we have been given at our physical birth anyway. Someday it won't matter to Rachel why Macayla shares my middle name and why hers is different. Right now, it's a pretty big deal to her. What matters is how we wear Christ's name. A name is really important.

"A good name is more desirable than great riches..." Proverbs 22:1

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Topic Of "Jesus"

FYI: you only have 20 shopping days left until Christmas day! For me, this time of year means spending more time with my family that I don't get to see as much as I would like. It means "catching up" with treasured friends. It also means excitement as my husband and I watch our girls open their presents. And in this household, it is not about that guy who dresses up in a big 'ole red suit belting out "ho, ho, ho!" In this house, it's about Jesus, and celebrating His birth. As Matt reminded God's church this past Sunday, isn't it interesting how this is the only birthday party in which everyone else receives gifts except for the one who is actually celebrating a birthday?? Imagine that...inviting your friends and family over for YOUR birthday party and not receiving any gifts. Oh yes, there are gifts, but they are all exchanging them with each other! Bah Humbug!! Don't get me wrong, I like receiving gifts just like anyone, but as a family, we try to also do something for someone else as our gift to Jesus.

As a parent, I often wonder what my kids are actually picking up on. Out of all the teaching that Matt and I have done with them, of all the good and right things that we teach them, are they really getting it?? This question was answered just the other night. It was Sunday night, and the four of us were sitting around our dinner table and I mentioned to the girls that Rachel's teacher (Rachel is in kindergarten) sent home a note that I needed to go over with them. The note explained how in each home, the topic of "Santa" is personal to each family. And that all of the kids will be writing letters to Santa and mailing them in a special mailbox. And if we have told our child about Santa, to please ask our kids to not talk about it at school. So this was the dialogue that night:

me: "Rachel, your teacher sent a note home last week. I need to tell you something about it. Daddy and I know that you don't believe in Santa and that he is pretend, and that Jesus is real. But some kids don't know that Santa is pretend, so don't talk about it with the other kids in your class."

Rachel: "Okay then, I'll just keep my mouth shut and talk about Jesus!"

Okay, I suspect about right now, whoever is reading this is laughing! That's okay, because Matt and I did too. After Rach responded that way, under my breath I said "Like that wouldn't cause any problems either!" I LOVE the fact that Rachel is so proud to talk about Jesus. He's the real deal to her. And I'm not going to quench her little spirit.

After reading the note that was sent home, this is the idea I came up with. Let me know if you agree. I occasionally "substitute" at my girls school...I'm thinking of supplying blank pieces of paper to all of the kids out there and having them write a letter to Jesus this Christmas season...what do you think?? Because this topic of "Jesus"...well, it's very personal to this family. And like Rachel, we want to "talk about Jesus"!!!

By the way, don't get me wrong. I don't judge those parents who have their kids write out "wish lists" to a child, I thought Santa was real. And I turned out alright...hold your tongue Jeff and Jon! :) It actually doesn't bother me at all knowing that kids believe in Santa. It really is harmless. And I'm only kidding about the letters to Jesus. Even though, I would really enjoy doing that! Imagine the conversation at the elementary school! It would probably go something like this: "Um, Mrs. need to leave!" :) It's just a good thing that Matt and I can go along with Rachel writing her letter to Santa and be okay with that. But I "wish" this year, that everyone else can be okay with her talking about Jesus too!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

"Just 5 more minutes?"

If you are a parent, then you've heard it..."just 5 more minutes?". We hear it when the kids are outside playing and it's suppertime and you call them in and they say, "just 5 more minutes?". Or when it is time to walk out the door because you are already running late, and their favorite t.v. show is on and they want "just 5 more minutes". Or when your child is over at a friend's house playing and you go to pick them up..."just 5 more minutes, mommy?" I think we hear it most at bedtime though. You inform your kids that it's time for bed, and their response is, "just 5 more minutes?" You may or may not allow them to have that extra time, however, to them, it is worth asking.

This past week, my husband and I had a very important decision to make. We are in vocational ministry and there were several events that took place to force us to decide whether or not we wanted to stick around here and endure the hard, possibly harder, times that could be coming, or did we want to just throw in the towel, give up and move on to something and someplace else. Needless to say, it was an awful week. And even though it would have been much easier to just move on and wipe our hands of all this mess, the one thing that kept ringing in my head was that very phrase, "just 5 more minutes?" Let me explain...

Those of us that are Christians know that we are to be on a mission. We are to "go and tell". We are to "make the most of every opportunity". We are to be relationship builders, faith sharers, and givers of love...our love and Christ's love. And we are to do it with a sense of urgency. We do not know the time or the hour when Jesus will return for us, therefore, we must be active in letting our family and friends know of this important decision in making Jesus the leader of their life before it's too late. Now I realize that this takes time. As in any relationship and friendship, it takes time to grow. And there needs to be trust that is evident in that relationship. But then what? So many times in my own life, I work so hard to build on that friendship, and really listen to the hurts that are obvious in my friend's life. And there are a lot of those friends that I have that have never accepted Jesus. At times, I am guilty in thinking "I have been such a good friend to them, I'm really there for them when they need me". And the list goes on and on. The question to ask myself then is, "But have I taken 5 minutes in sharing the gospel with them?"

It was very easy for me this week to focus on all of the hurts...the hurt done to my husband, the criticism directed towards me, the fault that was put on us, etc., etc. And let me tell you, both of us were ready to pack our bags and move in the middle of the night to an unknown destination. And had Matt come home that very important decision making day and told me, "We are moving", the one thing that I had planned on asking him was, "Just 5 more minutes?" God was bringing to my mind all of those people that I have a genuine friendship with that are separated from God. And at that moment, in all the hurts, the frustrations, the stolen joy, the untruths, and the uncertainties, I was sure about one thing...that I need to expedite my mission just a little bit more, and not to be scared or ashamed to share my faith. After all, these are my friends. They trust me. Surely they know by now that I wouldn't hurt them and that I would stick up for them. So the friendship and trust is there....what am I waiting for???

So the next time your child asks for "just 5 more minutes", go ahead and give them that extra time. But not to play outside or watch more t.v. Take that time to share Jesus' love with them. Or the next time you are out to lunch with a friend and they inform you that they "have to go in 5 minutes", why not just take advantage of that time to share the gospel? Maybe they already know it. That's okay. Share it anyway...don't you need reminded every now and then that you are loved??

By the way, in case you're wondering...I have been given some more of those 5 minutes. We are staying put for now. I am praying that I don't waste any more precious time. My challenge to you this week is to make a list of all the people that YOU need to share the gospel with...and title it "Just 5 more minutes?" Just maybe this will help you speed up the process a bit!!!

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..."

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Serve to win what??

We had been in Kansas a few years before I decided to start up a womens tennis league. I thought it sounded like a great idea: 1) because I enjoy tennis and 2) I was hoping it would be a good outreach. In order to get it started, though, I needed a "catchy" name. My husband is the preacher at our church we serve, RiverTree Christian Church. So I came up with the name "RiverTree Racquets...serving to win one more."

For those of you that are NOT tennis fans, I'm sorry. As for those of you who know a little bit about the game, you would know that your serve is really important. I'm not saying that you cannot win a game having a lousy serve, however, it really helps to have a strong consistent one. Perhaps you could win "one more" game if your serve was actually in. Ask my husband...he needs his serve to ever beat me!

The same is true of our Christian life. In Matthew 20:28, it is said that Jesus "did not come to be served, but to serve". Who is he serving? Your neighbors, your friends, people you work with, your family, your teachers, your enemies, your coaches, your mailman, strangers, people in all different kinds of walks of life...people like you and me. And as we serve, let us make the most of those opportunities (Eph. 5:16). These encounters may only happen one time. Perhaps when we serve, we could win "one more" for Jesus.

So you see, you don't have to be a Pete Sampris, Andre Agassi, Gabriella Sabatini or Andy Roddick to serve. You don't even ever have to pick up a tennis racquet or a tennis ball if you don't want to. But look around. If you see a need, "just do it". Serve. Help out. By the way, this serving thing?? It's not a's a command. So go "serve2win1more"!!!

"...he who wins souls is wise" Proverbs 11:30

In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...