Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"But the fruit of the Spirit is...PATIENCE"

The next fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5 is Patience. The lucky random winner of this fruit Believe me...if I could've chosen any other fruit, I would've. But God must have wanted me to be the one to be stuck with this one...I mean "blessed to be one that writes about patience". That sounds better, doesn't it? So just in case some of you reading today don't know much about me, I thought I should include a little somethin'. So here you go...

Name: Jennifer Bycroft
Hometown: Brazil, IN
Married to: Matt Bycroft...God's BEST for me!
Family: Married in December 1997 (almost 13 years now)! Blessed with 2 daughters...Macayla, age 10...and Rachel, age 8...AND another blessing on the way, due this summer. :)
Current living: Iola, KS
Hobbies: love the outdoors, tennis, photography, ministry, watching college basketball (specifically March Madness), and last but not least...being with my family. Is that a hobby? Even if it's not, I do love being with Matt and our girls.
I have been blessed that the 4 of us have healthy close relationships with each other.

And now, some thoughts...

"By nature, I am not a very patient person. I said "by nature". Anyone with me? I am so thankful that we don't have to stay in that category of "by nature" when we describe who we are. I'm not saying that I have it all figured out yet, but I have changed the "by nature" to "by the help of God" other words, learning to take on HIS nature. I am learning how to be more patient like He calls us to be. So those of you out there that continue to say "well, by nature, I am not..." (you fill in the blank), if you are in Christ, there are no more excuses. Because With God's help and grace, you can get where He needs you to be.

In thinking about this word "patience", I'm not just talking about:

--waiting patiently on your child to hurry up and get ready for school;
--waiting patiently in line at walmart when someone goes through the "10 items or less" lane with 100 items;
--waiting patiently in a long line of a traffic jam (it must be farmin' season around here!);
--or telling your child to "be patient" while you're on the phone.

No, I'm talking about something much harder, much more difficult to do. We call this "long-suffering", or patiently enduring wrongs or difficulties, enduring without quitting. When talking about this, I have to throw in there doing it with some sort of calmness while you try with everything that's in you to persevere. If you are one that finds this an easy task, then feel free to stop reading. But because I don't find this to be easy, I must keep typing.

Have you been there? Have you been in a place where you have had to learn how to patiently endure a wrong, trial, or difficulty in your life? I have. And let me tell wasn't that much fun. God knew I needed to go through this...actually GROW through this. I, however, didn't agree with Him on this one bit, and it took me a while to finally surrender to this idea.

Every so often, my husband sends me devotionals he receives via email. A little over a month ago, he sent me the following that I held on to because it talks about the way I have felt concerning some of these difficulties I have had recently. The devotional was taken from the book of Joel. Let me refresh your memory: There was a massive locust plague and severe drought in the land of Judah. Joel calls on everyone to repent. You can read about it on your own. But I do want to highlight Joel 2:25 which says, "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten-the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm-my great army that I sent among you."

We all have probably been in a time of drought in our lives. There are seasons in our lives that involve times of famine and times of restoration. It is during those times of famine that we must patiently trust God, and patiently endure and hard as it is sometimes.

Recently, my husband and I went through "one of those times". It involved our church, and our family...two things that mean so much to us. To say it was difficult to just sit back and "patiently endure" is an understatement! My "nature" is to want to take care of it myself. Because after all, we think we can do a pretty good job with that, right? Wrong. My husband, who is the preaching minister at our church, began to be undermined by others in leadership. They turned against him, if you will. False accusations, slander, lies, gossip, name it, it was done. Because of this, my husband's job was threatened. This just didn't affect the health of our church, but also our family. We just wanted to throw in the towel and quit! The hurt was too much to bear. People we thought were our friends turned into enemies. People we thought we could count on to help us through a difficult time turned out to be people that wanted to see us gone. Thank God for the Christian friends and family that prayed for us and stood by us! We appreciate those that kept reminding us to "be patient , let God work it out, and continue to do what is right no matter what".

Fast forwarding through all of the details, we continued to stand firm, fighting for the truth to be told, and "patiently endured" while not knowing what the outcome would be. This was not an easy task! But we had to trust that God knew best, and He would bring restoration. Total restoration has not come yet in some of those areas, but we have been able to sit back and witness how God has done the impossible (to us anyway) and bring us on the other side of that difficulty in our lives. God gave wisdom and truth to those that needed it at just the right time, and Matt's job was secured. After over a year now, our church family has grown...not just in numbers, but more importantly, spiritually as well. We have seen restoration happen. And Matt and I have learned all over again that we are serving Jesus, and living for matter what others might say. I was just thinking the other day how comforting it is to know that we have grown in this area. To please God must be our goal in this life. I would've never volunteered to go through something like this, but can understand a little why now. This "patient endurance" may have been just as much for me, as it has been for others to go through. I now know how to handle things God's way in times like these. My reactions and responses to the things that happened, and at times still continue to happen, are not the same as it once was. I've learned how to better turn those over to God. Not perfect by any means, but changed with His help. He is constantly teaching me to rely on Him, letting Him have His way in His own time. He doesn't need me trying to speed up His plan! Had we just left and quit because the times were tough, we would have never seen how God repayed those couple of years that the locusts had eaten.

Galatians 5:25-26 says, "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." Paul warns us that there must be a right atmosphere before the fruit will grow. We can't get ahead of God, impatiently doing our own thing because we "think" we know best, but to wait and endure, trusting God with all of it.

I like the reminder that Warren Wiersbe gives to us. He says, "The Christian who is long-suffering will not avenge himself or wish difficulties on those who oppose him. He will be kind and gentle..." I must admit this is not easy for me to do either. But possible, only with the "help of God". He will take care of it.

We've seen restoration in the church, now just "patiently waiting" on restoration in the family. God can do it. We can't do it alone, that's for sure. I don't have any idea when this will happen. But if you are in a similar situation, or ever have been, God wants you to know that there is a time when He will restore in order to demonstrate His gracious hand in our lives. He loves us and guides us through the most difficult places. Remember that He is the restorer of that which the locusts have eaten. Wait patiently for Him to bring this about in your life. After all, does He not constantly wait patiently for us?

"But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and have eternal life." (I Tim. 1:16)

"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)

And here's a couple more reminders that we are to demonstrate patience...

"You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near." (James 5:8)

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Rom. 12:12)"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"But the fruit of the Spirit is..."PEACE"

The third fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians is...Peace. And I have to say the writer of today's fruit was the 1st person that came to my mind when I was dreaming up this idea of including others to write for my blog. I am privileged, blessed, and so thankful to call her my friend. Curious yet??? It is with much excitement to introduce to you Pat Merold.

I really have my husband to thank for ever meeting Pat. Years ago, my husband Matt, was an intern under Ben Merold (Pat's husband) at Harvester Christian Church in St. Charles, Missouri. Matt and I were just dating at the time. Since my hometown wasn't too far from there, I would frequently visit Matt during the summer. Matt stayed with a family from that church, but I was lucky enough to stay at the Merolds when I came into town. It was so neat for me to watch how Ben and Pat interacted with each other...always showing love, always showing respect, and always always laughing together. When it was time for me to head to bed myself, I could hear the two of them just giggling in the next room. It made me smile seeing that kind of love in the two of them. If you know Ben, you will quite often see him "patting" his bride on the backside...yes, even at church in front of lots of people. This must be where my husband learned it from, because Matt does the same thing to me. :)

I was also a student at Ozark Christian College at the time, so ministry was a huge passion for me. I LOVED asking questions and picking Pat's brain over the many aspects of ministry. We talked a lot about expectations from others...from the church, from our husband (remember I was just dating at the time), and expectations we place on ourselves as well. We talked about different Bible studies (Pat has written much of her own and challenged me that the best Bible study we could ever do is...from the Bible itself). We talked about service...finding the area or areas of service and passion that God wants us to take part in and do it. We talked about being ok with the many hours it takes a minister away from family, and how to maturely deal with that. We talked a lot about always showing respect towards whoever God chooses for us to marry. One thing that has stuck with me to this day is when Pat told me that when I marry, that I am a wife first, then a preacher's wife. I think at the time, I had that backwards in my head. So in the almost 13 years of full time ministry that Matt and I have been involved in now, I have gone back to that comment again and again. I think I've truly gotten a hold of it now...and this has happened only within the past year to two. I am a Christ follower, I am a wife to Matt, I am a mom to my girls, and I am the wife of a preacher.

There have been some hardships along the way in ministry in which I have called Pat up to just seek her advice and Godly wisdom. It's nice to have someone to talk to that "has been there" before that doesn't live here. I really do feel like she knows my heart well enough that if I'm going to ask her a question, she's going to give it to me straight. And let me add, that Pat has also prayed with me on the phone many times before. A woman of the Word, and a woman of prayer. She doesn't mess around with having to hear all the details...she just takes it to God. A lesson I need to learn better. And I have to also mention her sense of humor. Pat Merold is one of the funniest people that I know! I have called her up just to hear her laugh before. She is so full of joy. She is one funny lady!

Matt and I consider Ben and Pat very good friends of ours. We both have enjoyed getting to know them, and are also extremely thankful to have wiser mentors in the ministry that we can turn to. I have asked Pat many times before when she is going to write a book to all wives in the ministry...I would LOVE it if she did!

Thanks, Pat, for being my Titus 2:4-5 woman. From the 1st day I met you, you had no problem taking me under your wing and teaching me...and on some days, helping me get back up and fly again. Every young woman either considering ministry, or that are in ministry now serving and supporting their husbands, need a Pat Merold in their life. I know I've got mine...

Name: Pat Merold
Hometown: (Pat didn't mention this in her bio, but I'm gonna take a stab at it and say Pennsylvania. Am I right Pat???)
Married to: Ben Merold. Married at age 18 and will celebrate 61 years in August.
Family: 3 sons. 2 are deceased...our youngest was murdered at age 30, and our oldest, Mike, died 2 years ago this month from a heart attack.
We have partially raised several foster children along with our own. I feel there is no greater ministry than investing your life in the lives of young people. We have 4 natural grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren, but many from our foster kids. They are all the very best and the little ones are darling. Not that I would want to boast. :)
Current Living: St. Charles, MO
Hobbies: teaching is one. Taught High School, college, young marrieds and adults. "Of course those classes and my Bible studies which I taught for 40 years, were my 1st love when it came to ministry opportunities."

More about Pat that you may not know: Pat founded and administrated the Step-Up ministry which ministered to victims of domestic violence from 1992 until Ben retired in 2008. Pat has held dozens of retreats, spoken for numerous conferences, the North American Christian Convention (she even asked me to be a part of one of her classes one year for the NACC, which I really enjoyed doing with her), and many special occasions and state conventions. She has served on the Continuation Committee for the NACC as well. She has also organized the childrens word twice and served for the National Missionary Convention's pre-school department. Pat also wrote questions for the very first Bible Bowl competition. Their years of service/ministry include:
Illinois-7 years
Indiana-over 13 years
California-nearly 23 years
Missouri (Harvester Christian Church)-18 years

And now, words from Pat...

"Hi. Jennifer invited me to share my thoughts on PEACE in her blog. So here I am, writing for her blog and I have never had one of my own or read anyone else's. That tells you something about me that I wish you didn't know. I'm behind the times. I tell myself I'm too busy.

PEACE - one of the grapes on the cluster we know of as the "fruit of the Spirit".

Every time I have a period of introspection and self-examination, I evaluate myself by looking inward to see whether or not I demonstrate and/or experience being "possessed of His Spirit" I look at this list in Gal. 5:22&23 and ask myself the hard questions.

Most often I have to pause when I come to "Peace". I am by nature a tense, hurried person. I find it difficult to relax and be what most would see being at "peace". Yet, in my heart, I do feel at peace which I define as being in right relationship and harmony with God, facing life with the confidence that I can handle it because He
has given me countless promises which give me assurance, and living well with my fellow-man because he has
poured His love (agape) into me.

Let me take these one at a time. I am at peace with God because I have fully accepted that Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son, that Jesus died to atone for my sins, was resurrected to sit at the right hand of God, and is now my advocate before Him. I don't have to fret over my eternal destiny. I can confess my daily sins and
know that if I truly repent, He forgives. How freeing these truths are! Life is so much simpler when you are fully persuaded that all His promises are going to be fulfilled.

However, when it comes to being at peace in all of life's difficult circumstances, I must confess, I have had to pray my way to "peace" many times. At these times peace comes as I ask God to:
1. help me actually give my problem to Him. I most often try solving it myself, become impatient while
waiting for his help in a way I recognize, or, keep snatching them back and having to give them to
him all over again.
2. fully trust that He will handle my problem in a way that is most valuable for my spiritual well-being. No
matter how impatient or confused I may be.

I know the value of having studied the Scripture over the years so that I am very familiar with all His promises. I see that storing God's Word in your heart prepares you for real life. I believe all these promises and know that He always keeps His word. It isn't all bad, this getting old (I'm 79). As we age we have a whole life-time over which to reflect and see that His grace really is sufficient for all our needs. We can see what the trials, tests, and experiences have accomplished much. He truly has been at work in me to will and to do His good pleasure. He gives the "peace that passes all understanding".

The third idea in my definition has to do with living well with other people. We all have some folks in our circle of friends and acquaintances who require our being careful in that relationship. These relationships are not as easy and as free as we would like. But Paul says that God has poured His love (the kind of love He has) into us. Therefore, I have concluded that if God loves them, so can I. The love I have from His Spirit enables me to express agape love toward all. I tell myself that God loves them enough that He died for them, so then, I can
learn to love them too. I believe if I truly desire and pray for that kind of love He will grant that request.

May God help us all to live in His spirit."

In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...