Friday, February 13, 2009

Love Letters

A couple of weeks ago, I asked my daughters to write a love letter to God. I told them it could be write whatever they wanted to say to Him. So I sent them to different rooms with a notebook and pen. I wanted it to be from their heart and in their own words.

I thought with Valentine's Day being tomorrow, this would be a great time to post these! Since "Love comes from God", maybe we all need to sit down and write our own love letter to Him. Not a bad idea, huh? I hope you enjoy reading what my girls had to say. I know I did.

Things that stood out to me: "I love you so much my heart will explode!"; "You are my faithful God"; "I promise to read my Bible and devotions"...she does in fact read her devotional book we got her for Christmas every morning (mostly) before school. It's awesome to know that Macayla knows that our God is FAITHFUL!

Things that stood out to me: "XOXOXOXO"...when Rachel was smaller, she would come up to me, wrap herself tightly around me, grab my face, and kiss me on the lips over and over and over to the point I couldn't keep up with all of her kisses and then I would just start laughing! (She still does kiss me, but she's toned it down a bit! :) She's very open about saying "I love you" and one way she shows it is by her great big hugs and kisses! I see her love for God in this too. I also think it's sweet that she knows God and Jesus as her FRIEND!

"Faithful Friend"...we can go to God with anything. He's faithful and He's our friend. And you won't find a more faithful friend than Him. What is it that you want to express to God in your love letter?

" comes from God." I John 4:7


Anonymous said...


lindsey said...

hi jenn! it's been a while since i left any comments or even updated my own blog; but i have to say that i absolutely lover every post on yours. your family has a very special place in God's Kingdom and it's amazing to see it lived out daily! i hope that you guys are doing great!!!


In my favorite sport, tennis, it really is helpful to have a good serve. It could help you in winning more games. In the same way, life is a lot like that. We need to do our best in "serving" others. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve. There are many ways to do this. Just maybe, in our service, God will use us "to win one more" for Him...